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Webex Support

Help! Webex Meeting is Not Loading!

If your student is trying to access their class Webex Meeting through Canvas, but can only see a blank screen, here are instructions on how to fix this.

  • Look at your address/URL bar and locate the eye icon that is crossed out
  • Click on the eye
  • Then click on the link titled, "Site not working?"
  • Then click on Allow Cookies: Click here for a tutorial.

Help! I'm getting an error message when trying to attend Webex Meetings, and it's asking me to authenticate the account.

In order to fix this there are 3 items to check. See the three steps and this video:

  1. Be sure to shutdown and restart your device daily.
  2. Visit and make sure you are logged in to the PUSD Portal.
  3. Visit and sign in.

Your students may not need to complete all of these, but checking these three items will help ensure that they can get connected.