Webex Support
Help! Webex Meeting is Not Loading!
If your student is trying to access their class Webex Meeting through Canvas, but can only see a blank screen, here are instructions on how to fix this.
- Look at your address/URL bar and locate the eye icon that is crossed out
- Click on the eye
- Then click on the link titled, "Site not working?"
- Then click on Allow Cookies: Click here for a tutorial.
Help! I'm getting an error message when trying to attend Webex Meetings, and it's asking me to authenticate the account.
In order to fix this there are 3 items to check. See the three steps and this video:
- Be sure to shutdown and restart your device daily.
- Visit arms.pusd.us and make sure you are logged in to the PUSD Portal.
- Visit pusd.webex.com and sign in.
Your students may not need to complete all of these, but checking these three items will help ensure that they can get connected.