School Site Council (SSC)
Purpose and Goals of School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) of Eugene Field Elementary School Consists of Six Staff Representatives and Six Parent Representatives. Each Serving Two-year Terms. The Council Meets Monthly to Develop and Monitor the Implementation of the School Plan for Student Achievement (Spsa). The Council also Allocates Site-based Funds from State and Local Funding as Distributed through Pasadena Unified School District.
Members of the Field Community Are Encouraged to Attend SSC meetings to Share Their Ideas or Concerns During the Public Comment Period.
Please visit the Field SSC to find our agendas and minutes, SPSA, budget, and online public comment form.
- Nathan Ingle (Parent, Chair)
- Phil Wang (Parent, Vice Chair)
- Cindy Gin (Parent, Secretary)
- Hailin Chen (Parent)
- Adelaide Lau (Parent)
- Anne Casados (Community Member)
- Charlene Tucker (Principal)
- Zhongqiang Sun (Teacher)
- Natalie Palma (Teacher)
- Erin Musick (Teacher)
- Huilin Xu (Teacher)
- Veronica Amaya (Staff, Non-teacher)
Schedule of Meetings
The tentative dates below are subject to change. Until further notice, meetings will be conducted remotely via Zoom. Meetings will begin promptly at 3:30 pm and end at 5:00 pm.
23-24 Field SSC Virtual Meetings:
3:30pm - 5:00p
Virtual Meeting Link:
Field SSC Minutes 23-24
23-24 Field SSC Meeting Records(Zoom)
Field 23-24 Information Google Drive Link
Public Comment Periods
Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend School Site Council meetings. The Council receives input from the public during designated public comment periods. Each comment will be limited to three minutes (or shorter, if necessary due to time constraints).
Comments on agendized items will typically be heard at the beginning of the meeting.
Comments on non-agendized items will be heard at the end of the meeting.
Submitting Public Comment Online
If you are unable to attend a meeting in person but would like to submit a public comment, please complete this form. Your comment will be made available to Council members and, if you so indicate, will be read aloud or summarized during the public comment period. If you wish for your comment to be read aloud, please keep it to 400 words or less.